Mission Statement

I have elected as a guiding theme of my professional activity the Latin proverb, fortiter in re – suaviter in modo, which can be translated into English language as Gentle in manner, strong in matter.

This is how I understand the model for a legal counsel's activity: elegant ways of expression, but no containment if the interests of the client are concerned and action is called for. Auch wenn ein Mandant vielleicht davon beeindruckt werden kann, so dient es ihm nicht, wenn sein Rechtsanwalt aggressiv auftritt, wenn er in der Sache keine Argumente vorbringen kann. 

Even if a client might be impressed by it, I hold the view that it does not serve his or her interests if counsel makes an aggressive appearance – especially if there are no arguments to support assertion of claims.

By contrast, aggressive assertions of the adversary's counsel will simply pass without effect if a gentle manner is maintained. As soon as the fumes have dispersed, the adversary emerges from his attack weaker than before.

„fortiter in re – suaviter in modo“
„Gentle in manner, strong in matter“

The proverb originates from Claudio Acquaviva (1543 - 1615) and is taken from his book "Industriae ad curandos animae morbos". Acquaviva stems from a Neapolitan family and has been elected General of Jesuit order in 1581. He reorganized the order and succeeded in shaping it in a more efficient and stronger way - with more power and influence on the outside and more inner strength by methodical education of its members as well as by consequent unification of its organizational structure.

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