Examples for Services for Individuals

Here you will find some examples for services for individuals like Opposition against income tax assessment, Notarized last will and testament and many more. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

Opposition against income tax assessment

A great many share of all tax assessments is cancelled during opposition proceedings. Therefore, have your tax assessments checked in case of doubts.

Notarized last will and testament

It is a common misunderstanding that by finalizing the last will and testament everything is taken care of. Such statements do not, however, keep consideration of the fiscal authorities. A good last will and testament should reflect the consequences in the area of inheritance tax - otherwise rather inconvenient surprises may occur.

We can calculate the inheritance burden according to the present legal situation for you.

Investment contracts

As it unfortunately shows, it is by no means true that all "consultants" of a financial services enterprise provide independent counseling and advice adequate to the needs of a client seeking investment.

This is quite inconceivable if one looks at the structures in which investment is offered: the providers of investment contracts oftentimes do not extend a fixed salary to their personnel. In some cases, a part of their salary is calculated in accordance with the number of investment contracts they sell. Some bank employees even work on a sole commission basis.

Therefore, it can be reasonable to retain legal counsel for the assessment of an investment contract before investing in the framework of a contract with important consequences.

Collection of receivables

If someone owes you money, wait no longer. Even if this someone does not seem to have money to pay - most have a bank account.

By means of an executory title (e.g. a judgment or an enforcement order), an attorney may impound monies on this bank account even if a credit facility is maintained for this bank account, but wire transfers are regularly executed or incoming transfers are credited to this account.

Furthermore, money may be collected from persons who only pay cash by means of an attachment of the debtor's purse through the bailiff/marshal.

Purchase through ebay

You have purchased goods and have transferred the purchase price, but the seller does not furnish the goods? - Contact your attorney as soon as possible.

In any case, one should always pay attention to knowing the seller's full name and address and place of residence.

In case of doubt, verify, e.g. at www.teleauskunft.de, whether the seller has a listed phone number or ask for his telephone number if it is an unlisted phone number.

In case of problems during the processing of the sale-purchase, there is a starting point to identify and take action against the seller.

if you have any questions
feel free to contact us

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